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NOTICE: This site contains real arrest records dating back several decades. Please use caution when conducting a search to ensure all the information entered is accurate. Learning the truth about the history of your friends and family can be shocking, so please be cautious when using this tool.

United States Background Checks does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency. You may not use our service or the information it provides to make decisions about consumer credit, employment, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purpose that would require FCRA compliance.

I Understand


Address History Reports uses information from several different sources to provide you with past addresses of people you’re searching for. This is useful in many situations. It can help verify information an individual has provided you with, or it can help you make good business decisions. A search of Address History Reports can also help you locate a lost friend.
If you’ve lost contact with an old friend and are trying to get back in touch, it’s helpful to know a past address. Once you know this, you can find people in that area to help you make a connection. Address History Reports can also verify information on public applications. If an applicant states he publiced in Dallas for the past 10 years, but his Address History Reports reveal he has never lived in Texas, you need to ask more questions before him.
Maybe you’re wondering if you should rent your property to someone. Complete a search on Address History Reports to see how long they stay at one address. If they have a history of moving every six months they might not be the renter you want!
We use secure servers to ensure your search is confidential. All you need is a name to get started. Start your free search of Address History Reports today!

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